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What measures has Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. taken to reduce production costs and improve competitiveness?
Author: Admin Date: Jun 13, 2024

What measures has Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. taken to reduce production costs and improve competitiveness?

In today's highly competitive global market, Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. faces many challenges, the prominent of which is how to reduce production costs and improve competitiveness.

1. Optimize production processes
Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. reduces the production cost of brown kraft paper by optimizing the production process. A comprehensive analysis of the production process of brown kraft paper was conducted to identify bottlenecks and waste links in the production process. Through refined data analysis, the company clarified the cost share and efficiency of each production link. Advanced production equipment was introduced, and existing equipment was upgraded and maintained to ensure that the equipment can operate at a higher efficiency. Through equipment optimization, production time has been effectively shortened and overall production efficiency has been improved. The company has strengthened the management of raw materials, optimized the procurement and use of raw materials, and ensured the effective use of materials. In the production process, by precisely controlling the amount of raw materials, unnecessary waste is reduced and production costs are further reduced. Focus on employee training and skill improvement, and improve employees' production skills and quality through regular training activities. The improvement of employee skills makes the operation in the production process more standardized and efficient, further improving production efficiency. The lean production concept is introduced in the production process, and waste in production is eliminated through continuous improvement and process optimization. The implementation of lean production makes the production process smoother and more efficient, and reduces production costs.

2. Adopting environmentally friendly materials and technologies
With the increasing global attention to environmental issues, Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. is also actively adopting environmentally friendly materials and technologies to reduce the production cost of brown kraft paper. The company chooses to use renewable resources and environmentally friendly raw materials to reduce dependence on and consumption of natural resources. At the same time, the company has also introduced advanced environmentally friendly production technologies, such as waste paper recycling technology, energy-saving and emission reduction technology, etc., which reduces pollution emissions and resource consumption in the production process, thereby achieving the dual benefits of environmental protection and economy.

3. Expanding diversified markets
In order to reduce production costs and improve competitiveness, Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. is also actively expanding diversified markets. The company not only pays attention to the traditional brown kraft paper packaging material market, but also actively explores emerging fields such as electronic product packaging and food packaging. By expanding diversified markets, the company can expand sales and increase market share, thereby reducing the production cost of unit products. At the same time, diversified markets can also bring more innovation opportunities and competitive advantages to the company.

IV. Strengthen supply chain management
Supply chain management is an important link for Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. to reduce costs and improve competitiveness. By establishing a complete supply chain system, the company has achieved full control over raw material procurement, production, warehousing, transportation and other links. By establishing a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with suppliers, the company can ensure the quality and supply stability of brown kraft paper raw materials and reduce procurement costs. At the same time, the company has also strengthened the management of warehousing and transportation links, improved logistics efficiency and reduced transportation costs.

V. Improve product added value
In addition to the above measures, Zhejiang Justeco Technology Co., Ltd. also reduces production costs and improves competitiveness by improving product added value. The company focuses on product research and development and innovation, and continuously launches new products with high performance, high quality and environmental protection characteristics. By improving product added value, we can attract more customers and increase product prices, thereby reducing the production cost of unit products. At the same time, high value-added products can also bring more profit space and market opportunities to the company.

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