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In terms of printing effect, what are the differences between E+Series PP/PE Coated Paperboard Paper and traditional printing paper?
Author: Admin Date: Apr 25, 2024

In terms of printing effect, what are the differences between E+Series PP/PE Coated Paperboard Paper and traditional printing paper?

In terms of printing effect, E+Series PP/PE Coated Paperboard Paper is significantly different from traditional printing paper. These differences are mainly reflected in printing performance, texture, durability and environmental performance.

From the perspective of printing performance, the printing quality of E+ series coated paperboard has been greatly improved due to its special coating technology. This coating technology mainly forms a uniform and smooth coating on the surface of the cardboard, which has excellent performance in absorbing and distributing ink, thus making the printing effect more beautiful and delicate. The coating technology of E+ series coated paperboard can ensure that the ink is spread more evenly on the paperboard, reducing the penetration and diffusion of ink, making the edges of the printed pattern clearer, and the colors more vivid and distinct. This coating can also enhance the brightness of the cardboard, improve the color contrast and saturation of the printed matter, and further enhance the three-dimensional sense and visual impact of the printing effect. The coating of the E+ series coated paperboard also has good wear resistance and water resistance, which can effectively protect the printed matter from interference and damage by external factors, thereby extending the service life of the printed matter. This durability is of particular importance in areas such as packaging and advertising, as it ensures that printed matter maintains a consistent visual effect during transportation, storage and use. .

In terms of texture, E+ series coated cardboard gives people a more high-end and elegant feeling. The coating on its surface makes the paper smoother, glossier and more comfortable to the touch. This improvement in texture makes the printed matter more visually attractive and also increases the added value of the product. Although there are many types of traditional printing paper, the texture may not be as smooth and delicate as the E+ series coated paperboard.

In terms of durability, the E+ Series coated paperboard also excels. Because the coating on its surface has certain waterproof and antifouling properties, the printed matter is more resistant to dirt and wear. This allows the print to maintain good visual effects and texture over a long period of use. Traditional printing paper may be slightly inferior in this regard, especially for some prints that need to be touched or used frequently. Traditional printing paper may be more prone to wear and stains.

E+ series coated paperboard also has its own unique features in terms of environmental protection performance. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, more and more consumers are paying attention to the environmental performance of products. E+ series coated paperboard uses environmentally friendly materials and processes during the production process, reducing the impact on the environment. At the same time, due to its greater durability, it also reduces the need for frequent replacement of printed matter, thereby further reducing the waste of resources. Traditional printing paper may have a certain impact on the environment during its production and use, especially when it is used in large quantities and replaced frequently.

E+ series coated paperboard also has better processing properties. Due to the particularity of its coating technology, it is easier to operate and less prone to damage and other problems during subsequent processing such as die cutting and indentation. This provides designers and printers with greater creative space and flexibility.

E+Series PP/PE Coated Paperboard Paper has many advantages over traditional printing paper in terms of printing effect. It not only improves the visual effect and texture of printed matter, but also enhances durability and environmental protection performance. These characteristics make E+ series coated paperboards have broad application prospects in high-end printing, packaging materials and other fields. However, as a high-end material, its price may be relatively high, so you need to consider factors such as cost and budget when choosing.
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